Thursday, April 29, 2010

Resistance Fall Of Man 2

The game is the same thing as Resistance 1 it has the same weapons and the same stuff happening but their is a difference. You have to defeat a hug monster that is attacking you. Their is a little bit of space so that means that you have to be sneky.

In the game you are cherniong into one of the monsters but you still are in the good side just that you have mor abilitys.

Resistance Fall Of Man

The game is about thes aliens come to earth and try to tack it over. The wepons that you use are cinda diferent. There is a gernade that you throw and it gows up and throws thes spicks that kill the aliens. Ther is a gun that shuts lasers and a gun that shuts thes green things at the aliens and snipers and hand guns.
You can play it in misions or in story mode becuaze tghere are diferent things that hapen in levels. You can set it hared or easy gust if you want to the game is a lot of fun.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV is about a lot of characters all around the world an you get to pick which ever on you want to be. You can play it with tow players or one but you play it with a computer. But if you play tow players and you can choose the same character but dares different.
It is fun to play because Weill you fight you earn some energy. The energy is for a special power that you can use to tack out your opponent.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The game is about raising with cuads it is a fun game to play you have to do a lot of tricks on it. The most important is that you have to land the tricks and try to get more bust. You earn bust by doing tricks in the air and landing them you get big air when you pry load. Pry load is you move the right analog stick up and down once.

You have to beat the other 16 players in the game to wine a trophy. But if you loss you have to restart the rase and then you can try to win in first plass.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

The game is about the same as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1 it has the sam wepons but more advansd. It has a new gernad and it is one that you throw and it starts beping and bloows up. There are more misions that you play and mor dificlt to play, you can also play in teams and one of the players is on the ground and the other on is in a helickopter shooting.
In one mision you get to ride snow mobels and you can shoot the enamy that try to kill you. there is a nothere one that you are in a big brig and you are trying to get to the other side but the enemy are shuting you. The wepond that you use for that sord of mision is an m16 or a sniper. But it is playp in teams and you both have to stay alive or you loos and have to start over.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Call of Duty Modern Warfare

The game is about war it is fun and hase a lot of shooting and vilans. You can use all cinds of wepons like a sniper, M16, RPG, Rifel, Hand Gun, Gernad, and a Flash Gernad. The game is mostly about misions that you have to ucomplish. You have to go look for people that are trying to bom the united states.
You also get kidnapt in the game and you also have to go and retrev your team mate that got kidnapd. Ther is a part that you are in this big airplain and you have to protect your team mats. You also have to chas this one man that you have to grab so he can tell you were ther planting the invasion.


Hello my name is Victor De Anda and i'm a student at Tucson High a freshman soon i'm going to be a sophmor. I have fore brothers one is a marine and the other one is marid and the other one is at my home and last I have a twin that looks just like me.
this blog is going to be about vidio games all around the world like war games, racing games, fighting games, and fun games.